martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Learning literacy in a funny way

One of the most difficult tasks for non-english speaking children is learning how to pronounce and write properly in English.  

In my classes I use the Jolly Phonics method.
It is based on child centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics with actions for each of the 42 letter sounds.

This multi-sensory method is very motivating for children. They learn the sounds in a global way visual, auditory and kinesthetic. 

How does Jolly Phonics work?

The five skills taught in Jolly Phonics
1.Learning the letter sounds
2.Learning letter formation
4.Identifying the sounds in words (Segmenting)
5.Tricky words

There are 7 stages. Do you want to see them? In the following days we will see the different stages.


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